a digital rights SaaS solution to manage critical business data, removing all compliance problems and penalties.

embed open standards across your supply chain to share compliant data

speed up your supply chain

our integrated ecosystem enables accelerated delivery of data products from supplier to consumer, allowing the unique dynamics of each product to remain easy to manage, mapping to open standards to foster interoperability


creating valuable data products and policies is a craft, our studio workspace reduces significantly the complexity by abstracting as many technical details from the user as possible


as the catalogue grows, maintenance consumes a significant part of the product team, our workspace builds tools to allow product owners to focus on what’s valuable, whilst providing ‘co-pilot’ style support for management and analysis


as products and policies are built, the workspace will start recommending ways to reuse components based on a recommendation system connected to all the data, when other parties publish, the recommendation knowledge base increases to everyone’s advantage

in today’s data-rich environment, new use cases are constantly emerging for the effective management of digital rights for governments, organisations and individuals.

entities that must manage an ever-growing collection of requirements face challenges to enable efficient systems that will allow for smooth and reliable processes that will generate trustworthy and consistent policies to fulfil those use cases.

today’s ecosystem implies multiple custom contracts with embedded policies that are not machine-readable, organisations must analyse each document and extract policies from interpretation.

then an organisation will need to go ahead and design their products and create the document that it considers more appropriate – which is likely to be custom and different from those of the suppliers.

this also carries expensive and extensive integrations with suppliers that are also customers, suppliers’ compliance checks are lengthy and cumbersome as they need to involve everyone in the supply chain.

by using an open-standards digital bundle that includes human and machine-readable contract terms, policies and asset definitions, the friction to generate products is reduced to the minimum.

the supply chain consumes now the same digital bundle at both ends, allowing clients to sell to their suppliers where allowed.

suppliers can accelerate and standardise compliance checks by contacting the clients directly and will only need to see the assets relevant to them.

organisations have a much faster time to market by enabling product owners to design and commercialise, providing detailed and birds’ eye view of policies and assets.

compliance teams have a lower cost of ownership when they perform checks, and these assessments could become unmanned,

where allowed, the extension of product offerings has a significant reduction in total cost of ownership, as there is consistency in the language across the entire chain.

a complete ecosystem

our comprehensive suite covers both the creation, publishing and control of policies across your data products


  • use open standards for your data products and policies
  • flexible enough for custom and advanced use cases
  • accommodating wizards to adapt to users needs


  • once built, ‘click to release’ publishes your offering
  • based on your conditions, parties can request them
  • contract red-lining integration to your supplier of choice

solution objectives

these are the service values underpinning our proposition


assure intellectual property rights


guard rails built in to prevent errors


take care of unnecessary complexity


enabler for innovative and attractive products


reach your market in days or weeks


build upon open standards a flexible



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